A while back, I was wandering around the book store with my bookish friends and came across The Strange Case of Origami Yoda. I immediately found the folding instructions in the back and committed them to memory (only 15 steps, none of them complex). Then when I found my next sheet of paper I folded away.
I don't know who designed it, so I'll just
credit the author, Tom Angleberger.
Then, I later went back to the book store and bought the book so that I could read the story. It is a case file written by a middle schooler. Each chapter is a story about an origami Yoda and how it affects the students at the school. Each story has a bit of analysis (at 6th grade level) of what might be happening.
Their classmate, Dwight, has folded a small puppet that looks like Yoda and begins giving out advice. Some believe that the puppet can see the future, others are skeptical. I really enjoyed it, because it reminds me of when I over analyze situations and try to find the truth, while ultimately missing the point that was right in front of me the whole time.